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Personal data provided by Italy Travels users will be registered on protected electronic supports in our servers and used with respect of the D.L. 196/2003, (protection of personal data code) according to fairness principles, lawfulness and transparency.
The personal data of the users are treated in authorised form.
The holder of the treated data is Italy Travels Srl
The personal data is exclusively used for these purposes:
Supply to the User our services;Transmitting User's personal data to third parties the moment of booking or purchase of travelling services with affiliated Travel agents; Inform the User of new services and products that could be of interest; Personalise adverts that could interest the User.
The User agrees that Italy Travels may transmit personal data to third parties only if required by law or if the action is necessary for:
Respect law regulations and legal procedures adopted by Italy Travels or on the Web; Urgently intervene, if circumstances require so, to personally protect users of Italy Travels' website or public users.
In any moment, according to the article 13 of the D.L. 196/2003, the Client has the right to: acknowledge personal data possessed by Italy Travels and the directions for use of personal data; update, insert, modify or adjust personal data; ask for suspension of the use of personal data that violates law; prevent use of personal Data for justified reasons, or when Data treatment is addressed for the gathering of commercial information, sending of adverts, direct selling or market research by contacting the Data Controller at:
Italy Travels uses trails for protected data and embraces appropriate measures of security in order to protect against improper use or alteration of your user data in their possession. Access to provided information is exclusively consented to authorised staff members. Italy Travels staff have permission to database-saved information on users or servers that host our services and must respect rigorous standard regulations.